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A young female illustrated with a futuristic mask

Why Leonardo?

Science is about discovering how our world works. The quest to find the answers always begins with a question. Leonardo da Vinci wrote, "Learn how to see," another word for observation.  Finally, exploration in experiments, data collection and Discovery.

Leonardo da Vinci changed our  world because he possessed to attributes:  Curiosity and he learned to ask the right questions.  Learn more about him--->

Emerging Technologies

AI, VR, AR, and MR are all emerging technologies, and there a lot more.  If you are taking CTE courses you are already getting hands-on experience in your interested field.  The video below showcases 10 emerging technologies already being used.



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More Portals to Explore

The Science of Art


Perspective drawings that began in the 14th Century have evolved into much of the technology we now use today.​ 3D modeling, augmented reality, virtual reality, holographic projections are just some of the inventions that came from perspective drawing.


The Science of Patterns

When you move your perspective from math being a language to math being the science of patterns, doors will open up.  No longer is math a cold, abstract, unemotional field of study.  It moves from black & white to COLOR!


Problem Solving

The purpose of the engineer is to solve problems through innovation or creating a new invention.  

Many of Leonardo's inventions were innovative and likewise, many of his futuristic inventions were new concepts.

About us

The Academy of Leonardo’s Apprentice (A.L.A.) is a 501(c)3 non-profit educational foundation that was designed to collaborate with public & private educational institutions, as well as, homeschooling groups to improve the quality of science and engineering education.  We advocate for student achievement, create programs to improve student and teacher performance and raise funds for scholarships, grants, and teacher recognition.

Project-Based Learning

"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do."

Leonardo da Vinci

An illustration of a crashed spaceship

Do You Have What It Takes?

What makes an Apprentice of Leonardo? Watch the video to learn more.

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